Monday, April 15, 2013

Setting up quick and easy baby photos

There's a pin floating around on pinterest I saw for taking baby photos using window light, but I really haven't felt like it's safe to do on your own, since it uses a bed, and unless your baby is too little to roll over, we all know beds + little babies/ crawling babies don't mix. I saw another pin on how to get a nice bokeh with the backdrop. So I've combined both pins into one that's safe to do in all circumstances- even on your own. Worst thing that could happen with this setup is that your baby will roll off your blankie.

Of course, you will need a big window- or just LOTS of windows. A sliding door is even better since the set up is on the floor. If you're using windows the blanket needs to be further away from the wall, since there will be a little bit of a shadow, but it will still work just fine on the floor (my mom has the perfect room for this with a big wall full of windows). Then I drape a big blanket over the coffee table since darling daughter isn't too big yet, flatten it all out, and then pull the blanket out so that it comes down and forward in a nice curve. Voila! (I also put the bumbo and a light foam chair on top of the coffee table so the blanket doesn't slip)

However, make sure you get the wrinkles out that aren't supposed to be there if you can, because they can be super distracting with this setup. Trust me, I know.

Then I use a 50mm/ 1.8f, plop DD down and snap away. Well, I used to snap away, now I take more time to sort of look and plan things out instead of spray and pray. The reason I use a 50mm prime is because it has a great aperture, and there isn't any lens distortion. Even if I had an 80mm (which is supposed to be the best for portraits) my room isn't big enough to get portraits with that much zoom, plus I need more money before that can happen. I know a lot of people will use a 35mm for baby pics, but it will cause some distortions.

I got this super precious one of her, but it isn't perfect. She's starting to get too big to use the coffee table for the backdrop, and I didn't line this one up quite right, so you can see the foam chair up behind her. B&wing the pic hides it for the main part, as well as the really wide aperture, but I wish I'd planned the pic out better. I still love it though! She is so sweet.

I use this same setup with my toddler too, but I use the kitchen chairs flipped around backwards instead :)

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