Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Heart Faces- Summer Fun Photo Challenge

This is from the very first week of school break. My friend brought her kids over for pictures before they got bruised and scratched up from camping and roughhousing and other typical summer activities. It was a very fun experience for me, and the first time I took pictures of older kids and toddlers that don't belong to me. We had a blast!!!

This photo was submitted to the I Heart Faces photo challenge – www.iheartfaces.com

Photo Challenge Submission

Friday, June 21, 2013

Figuring out how to edit!!!

I met with my friend and her adorable kids to take pictures of them yesterday. And I stayed up ridiculously late trying to figure out new editing tricks.

Don't get me wrong, the pictures were pretty awesome to start off with, but I wanted to figure out how to use layers better. I needed to learn sooner or later anyways, why not super late at night?

I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Here's a really quick before and after.


I used a luminosity mask with a creamy color to brighten it up a little bit. The first picture on it's own doesn't really seem harsh at all, but I feel the mask really softens her face and brightens it up a lot. I'm totally in love with this picture.

Here are a some others that I took:

And lastly, my favorite :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Revelations on motherhood

I realized today just how amazing my body is. It's a journey that has taken me awhile to reach. And of course, I owe it all to my daughters.

Darling daughter number one was a difficult pregnancy for me and a really difficult labor and delivery. Nothing really wrong ever actually happened with my pregnancy, but at the very end I was very tired and sore. Finally it culminated with me becoming very ill and finding myself in the hospital. My midwife informed me I was the talk of all the doctors. Sadly, because none of them knew what was wrong with me. So my midwife, the doctors that get all the special cases where no one knows what's wrong, and the OBGYNs all decided it would be in mine and my daughter's best interest if she came two weeks early. Her labor and delivery literally stretched my body to its limits. I'm 100% sure if I had needed to push for another five minutes, I could not have done it. I prayed so hard two and a half hours into pushing my baby out that she would be OK and that I would not need to be wheeled in for a c-sec. Luckily Dr. Carter came in and was able to help guide her out. She was finally out about three hours and fifteen minutes or so after I was finally complete. My body was so sore, so beat up. I made the mistake once of bringing in firewood a couple weeks after she was born. My poor body just clamped up and I was in so much pain. My husband had just started residency the day before and was at work, so he couldn't help me. I remember feeling like I was in labor all over again, it hurt so much. My body was also so incredibly swollen from all the water and medications they gave me intravenously. My husband thought it was kind of funny that I had pitting edema. I decided to lay off the salt some and that just made it worse. At least after I started drenching everything in salt it got better. I dropped 30 lbs in the first two weeks I was home. That felt great. But my body was still sore and my knees and feet hurt because I also ate a lot and sat around a lot while I was pregnant. Which also meant that I gained a lot. And of course it really isn't very good for you when you are short and pregnant to weigh 196 lbs. At least I came to find out very quickly that most of that extra was actually just water, because most of it was totally gone within two months and my body felt SO much better then. My sweet little daughter ate really well. My body kept her well fed and at every doctors appointment our doctor would ask if I was still just breastfeeding. She was so chunky and adorable :)

Right around my oldest's birthday I leaned that I was pregnant. I really wasn't surprised at all, I just knew from the very moment that I was carrying another little girl. Don't ask me how I knew, but I did. It was actually kind of hard to wait two weeks to take the test. Our little family went to the grocery store for the sole purpose of buying a pregnancy test, so there I was with a little baby in a carrier (OK so she wasn't quite little, she was a pretty big chunky barely one year old) and as soon as we got home I had confirmation. Then a couple weeks later the vomiting started. Every single night. So I took meds for it. At least the vomiting was only once at night when I took the meds. This did work to my advantage, as it continued for the next twenty weeks, so I didn't gain very much weight at all during my first two trimesters, so that was pretty OK with me.

I had this idea of what the perfect labor and delivery would look like going into my first daughter's birth. Obviously, her birth did not look anything like that at all. I wanted to labor with minimal interventions. Well, artificially ruptured waters, a pit drip, epidural and forceps delivery are hardly minimal when I was hoping to just have an IV for antibiotics every four hours. So I researched and then researched some more. I really really really wanted that minimal interventions delivery. And then I came across hypnobabies.

Hypnobabies has these affirmations sets that you listen to every day. For weeks. You start around 32 weeks, maybe even earlier. I think I started to listen to them around 30 weeks. One thing it told me every day was that my body was made to have babies. The other thing it told me was that my body was working perfectly. Even now I still repeat some of them to myself. Mostly one about how I am in tune with my body and I am in charge of my emotions. That one is very important when you are the mother to a very busy toddler.

I practiced, and I practiced, and I practiced. Finally after a very long bout of prodromal labor, which started at exactly 37 weeks and even included a trip to the hospital on my due date for some very regular contractions that a very rude nurse told me I was imagining, teased me until 40 weeks and 4 days, it was time. My daughter walked into our room at 6 in the morning to snuggle, and I felt a pop and ran to the bathroom. My mom rushed over to take care of my oldest and my husband got me to the hospital as quickly as he could. It was such an amazing experience, totally different from my first labor and delivery. I was in complete control. I felt great, I knew my body was doing exactly what it needed to do. And I just let it do what it needed to do. I didn't fight it, I wasn't scared, and I was so relaxed. I felt almost no pain. The only time anything hurt was when things suddenly went really quickly and I lost a little bit of my mental control. But my amazing husband was there with his hand on my hip, and my awesome nurse helped with her hand on my other hip as I sat in the bed and reguided all my mental power to my own anesthesia and once again embraced the pressure that I felt flowing through my body. And then I knew it was time for my daughter to come into the world. I didn't even have to think twice about what I needed to do. I was able to just push where I needed to and she slid right out. Her poor face was all bruised up though, because I was so relaxed and my body was so loose and stretchy my labor was about as long as the whole pushing phase was for my first baby. But there she was, so healthy and beautiful. We posted this picture on facebook later that morning, and someone commented that I didn't even look like I broke a sweat. I didn't say anything about it at the time, but I really honest didn't break a sweat at all.

I felt so amazing after her birth. My body was able to do exactly what it needed to do. I was able to walk as soon as my daughter was born. I didn't have any problems going to the bathroom (this was a very very big problem after daughter one was born for about three months after) and I didn't have a single sore muscle. I could lift her up no problem, carry wood in from outside, climb up and down the stairs. If it weren't for the jiggly stomach I wouldn't have even felt like I'd just given birth.

Something happened when my second was born too. The midwife that was with me when my oldest was born called it a beautiful birth. I didn't really find it to be this really beautiful thing at the time. But when my second was born it was so amazing and all the feelings in my body that I wasn't able to feel with my oldest was there. But I also felt acceptance about how my first labor and delivery went. It really was a very beautiful thing. I did the very very best that I could and I brought her into the world.

It's been hard for me to accept the changes that it's left on my body. I'm plagued with stretch marks and things are still flabby that weren't when I was at this point postpartum with my oldest. I'm still waiting for some aches and pains related to pregnancy to go away right now, seven months later. My body doesn't want to give up the 35 pounds that I gained this pregnancy, and when I finally got within 20 pounds of my prepregnancy weight decided to starve my little baby in the milk department instead. So I started drinking more water and eating more food to make sure that she was getting enough, and of course that weight I was working so hard to lose just came right back. But then I think how amazing that my body is giving her life every day. It carried these two precious girls for 38 weeks and 40 and a half weeks, and when they came into the world it kept carrying them and feeding them.

Now they are here for me to love and care for. My body is one of the most beautiful things in this world because it gives life and purpose to someone else. I looked at my daughter one day and realized that I live forever in her and she'll live forever in her children and in their children, that my mother lives forever in me, and my grandmother in her.

Some days I feel like I'm a complete failure as a parent. My baby fell off the bed for the first time the other day and I cried. My toddler drives my patience to the very brink often. Those times I have to remind myself that I'm doing the very best that I can. That other moms that I may have judged harshly before I had my own babies and could truly understand are doing the best that they can too. It's hard to be a mom, but it's the most beautiful thing I could ever do. Sometimes it's so hard to remember that with all the sacrifices I'm making now for these children, that it's somehow going to be worth it. They won't be little forever, but they'll be mine forever. And that's what makes me beautiful now.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Our May zoo trip

We went to the zoo just the other week- it was tons of fun! I was able to get so many amazing pictures. Here are just a few of them:

Friday, May 10, 2013

I Heart Faces Challenge- Play

Do you remember a little while back I had that post with darling daughter one jumping on the trampoline? There was a pic in there that I know is just perfect for this challenge.

But then I went looking through my photos and remembered that I have a ton from just last week that I haven't even made blog posts on thanks to this amazing homecation we've been taking and I decided this was the right picture. I have so many more amazing pics from last Sunday at this park too (and I haven't even done anything about the zoo trip yet, sigh...)

You can see more pictures from the iheartfaces.com challenge by following this link:

Photo Challenge Submission

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Angela and Sean

OK OK, I know I've been really bad lately. I haven't blogged on here for a little while. Truth is, we've been on home-cation. AKA sitting around the house and doing nothing all day long.

Well, we haven't been doing nothing but we've just been taking it easy, husband included, and having family fun. Also this means that the husband isn't at work, so he's normally on the computer when I was before. Oh well.

The other day I met up with my cousin Angela and her husband. It was a really good learning experience for me. I need a lot more practice, that night I was thinking there were so many things I could have done different, and so many ways that I could have done better even. But I do know that they will enjoy the pictures I took. The lighting was very tricky and I definitely need more practice taking pictures in the sun. And way more creativity in my posing. I think next time I'll take a bunch of stick figure drawings of poses other people have used and then just go down a checklist maybe? LOL.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Just Because

Sewing- Getting Ready for Kids Clothes Week

One of the things I zone out to is sewing. I really like to sew quite a bit, and there's been quite a few adorable things I've sewn up for my kids.

And so I decided to join up with the Kid's Clothes Week challenge for this spring. It starts this Monday. I need to sew up some shorts and spring/ summer clothes for Darling Daughter one. She has lots of fall/ winter stuff but not really very much spring/ summer stuff. Not a single pair of shorts, and only a few t-shirts. So obviously those are on the list. Here's some of the stuff I've sewed up for the girls...

And would you have it, that's the only pic I've taken of one of my children running around in something I made them on the dSLR... Well, that's gotta change, cuz I've made them plenty of cute stuff...

Join me with Kids Clothes Week, please? There's nothing like some nice big sewing challenges to motivate oneself to clean out the closet :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Easter Pics Part Two

OK, so the top photo on here I've already put up on this blog, in the post about darling daughter's crazy hair. But these are actually closer to Easter Pics than what I had posted before. These are from a couple days after Easter, when darling daughter number one's rash had pretty much just disappeared. I got them dressed up cute and headed over to my mom's (she has way more widnows than I do) and started snapping away.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter Pics Part One

I have a confession to make. I didn't take any pictures of the girls on Easter. Darling daughter number one had a cold sore from earlier in the week. And it turns out cold sores do weird things to little kids. Like make them break out in a huge rash all over their little bodies.

So I went to church with darling daughter number two by myself, and taught our Sunday School class (dear hubby and I teach the 16 year olds) with the baby in this gorgeous ring sling I made for her. 

These pictures were just before her birthday when she turned two. The days aren't very long in February, unfortunately, so the light was a little bit challenging but we made it work. Tomorrow I'll post the baby's photos.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Setting up quick and easy baby photos

There's a pin floating around on pinterest I saw for taking baby photos using window light, but I really haven't felt like it's safe to do on your own, since it uses a bed, and unless your baby is too little to roll over, we all know beds + little babies/ crawling babies don't mix. I saw another pin on how to get a nice bokeh with the backdrop. So I've combined both pins into one that's safe to do in all circumstances- even on your own. Worst thing that could happen with this setup is that your baby will roll off your blankie.

Of course, you will need a big window- or just LOTS of windows. A sliding door is even better since the set up is on the floor. If you're using windows the blanket needs to be further away from the wall, since there will be a little bit of a shadow, but it will still work just fine on the floor (my mom has the perfect room for this with a big wall full of windows). Then I drape a big blanket over the coffee table since darling daughter isn't too big yet, flatten it all out, and then pull the blanket out so that it comes down and forward in a nice curve. Voila! (I also put the bumbo and a light foam chair on top of the coffee table so the blanket doesn't slip)

However, make sure you get the wrinkles out that aren't supposed to be there if you can, because they can be super distracting with this setup. Trust me, I know.

Then I use a 50mm/ 1.8f, plop DD down and snap away. Well, I used to snap away, now I take more time to sort of look and plan things out instead of spray and pray. The reason I use a 50mm prime is because it has a great aperture, and there isn't any lens distortion. Even if I had an 80mm (which is supposed to be the best for portraits) my room isn't big enough to get portraits with that much zoom, plus I need more money before that can happen. I know a lot of people will use a 35mm for baby pics, but it will cause some distortions.

I got this super precious one of her, but it isn't perfect. She's starting to get too big to use the coffee table for the backdrop, and I didn't line this one up quite right, so you can see the foam chair up behind her. B&wing the pic hides it for the main part, as well as the really wide aperture, but I wish I'd planned the pic out better. I still love it though! She is so sweet.

I use this same setup with my toddler too, but I use the kitchen chairs flipped around backwards instead :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Trampoline Fun

Yesterday I posted a photo for a challenge that I took of darling daughter #1 a few weeks ago.

We had so much fun that day! And she figured out how to jump on the trampoline with both feet that day too.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I heart faces photo challenge- Wind

OK, OK, I know it isn't really wind in the traditional sense. But darling daughter #1 just does such an awesome job in creating her own wind when she's jumping around all over the place. We had so much fun outside that day. 

You can find other fun entries at iheartfaces.com
Photo Challenge Submission

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Where am I going?

I'm sure all of us at some point have done some sort of hobby where you have that potential question nagging at you: "where exactly am I going with this?" I've had two hobbies just right off the top of my head that will eventually necessitate that question. The first one was horseback riding. That was easy, of course I wanted to go pro. There really isn't anything like doing what you love doing all the time. I never really took photos until I had my own kids, and I started taking photos of my first daughter when she was itty bitty because we didn't really have very much money at all. Then I started taking more and more pictures, and slowly getting better and better.

I first picked up a dSLR and started taking pics with it on AUTO a little over 2 years ago. My pictures are SO much different now. I've since learned about shutter speeds, apertures, ISO, white balance, you name it. Sometimes I look back at those pictures and really can't believe how good I used to think they were- they would look completely different if I were to take them now. But I did the best I could with what I knew when I took them. And I just keep taking more and more so I can learn and practice more. It's amazing how much I've learned in such a short time.

I've had a lot of people ask me why I'm not running around and doing this as a pro. Honestly, I don't feel like I'm quite ready yet, but I'm getting there. I want to get to the point where I can, as an amateur, feel comfortable taking photos of other people first. Yes, I do understand that amateur = for free. But I'm OK with that, because I'm still learning so much. I do see myself going semi-pro, but it isn't going to be tomorrow. Besides, I do sort of need more than just my children and my sister's family in my portfolio anyways.

In the mean time, I'm just going to keep practicing :) I will be taking pics of some of my friends and their families soon though, and some family members that haven't had portraits done in a very long time. I'm so excited but nervous at the same time. 

Oh, and here's a super cute picture I took the other day of my kids and their cousin. Aren't they just SO sweet?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Impossible Sibling Portrait

I have tons and tons of pictures of my two darling daughters. I'm getting amazing photos of them all the time (I even have two larger than life photos of each one of them hanging on the wall). But there really aren't that many photos of them both together.

Why? Because it's next to impossible to get a nice one of both girls together.

Either the youngest puts her head down and sucks on her thumb, or the oldest does all sorts of things.

Like pick her nose...

Roll up in my backdrop...

Grab her feet and move all around...

You get the picture.

But every now and then I get a gem, like this one right after the pic with darling daughter one digging for gold:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Daughters's Hair

I absolutely love the hair my daughters have been blessed with.
My oldest has all these crazy curls. When she gets up from naps, goodness it is SO intense. I have no clue how she got them, but she has a lot of them, and they are beautiful.
 My youngest daughter doesn't really have a lot of hair. Yet. But it is very thick and dark and beautiful. It's too early to tell if it will be crazy and curly, but I certainly hope it is. I'm also pleased to say it is much more hair than her sister had at this age.